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Eco-Mobility 2019

The 14th International A3PS Conference

Eco-Mobility 2019
Diverse Powertrain Concepts
for a carbon-neutral future

took place on 14 and 15 November 2019 in Vienna, Austria.

We would like to thank all participants and guests and especially all speakers and exhibitors who contributed to the success of Eco-Mobility 2019!

Photo Gallery      Presentations      Programme

More than 100 participants on 2 conference days
4 international keynote presentations from politics, industry and R&D institutions

16 specialist presentations in 4 sessions:

  • Advanced Combustion Engines & Fuels
  • Battery Electric Vehicles
  • Fuel Cell Vehicles, Hydrogen
  • Advanced Vehicle Concepts
plenary discussion with keynote speakers and specialists
exhibition of vehicles, components and posters
networking, Social Evening with art exhibition (Martina Reinhart), live band and wine tasting (Weingut Kitla)

The conference provided an overview on key technologies to provide a carbon-neutral future. The discussion about whether we need to keep on promoting diverse powertrain concepts or better focus on one technology led to the conclusion that we really need all technologies but select the best technology solution for different application cases.

The specialist presentations showed that we already have a lot of great technology available but now have to apply all these technologies. This won’t happen fast enough without political actions.

For details please refer to the conference programme (download pdf) and the presentation slides.

Summary of Eco-Mobility 2019

Day 1

Andreas Dorda opened the 14th A3PS-conference on behalf of BMVIT and pointed out the importance of A3PS for Austria’s automotive competitiveness.

Christof Schernus introduced us the E-VOLVE Cluster: The Cluster consists of 6 projects and aims to maximize dissemination, exploitation and impact. After Prof. Ahn showed us in detail Korea’s ambitious R&D and market trends on BEVs and FCEVs, Gorazd Lampic impressively explained us how in-wheel powertrains may reduce the cost of electric vehicles.

The Technical Session “Advanced Combustion Engines and Fuels” (Chair: Peter Prenninger) focused on CO2/GHG emission reduction via electrification and hybridization while maintain the fun-to-drive, low-cost and user acceptance.

In the Technical Session “Battery Electric Vehicles” (Chair: Andreas Eilenberger) besides the vehicle itself the demand and cost of infrastructure for EVs, battery production and – as an aspect which seems to have been not considered enough until now – battery recycling, especially in case of damaged and probably hazardous BEV-waste.

Social Evening

Besides networking the evening allowed us to bridge technology with art and culture. Many thanks to Dr. Martina Reinhart ( for the art exhibition at the social evening and also to our great jazz quartett and to Florian Kitla ( for the great wine tasting event.

Day 2

Roland Fortenbach opened the second day of our conference by reminding us on the importance of Powerfuels to reach climate targets. He expects a diversity of powertrains and fuels in the future.

In the Technical Session “Fuel Cell Vehicles, Hydrogen” (Chair: Alexander Trattner) FCEVs were discussed as a solution for long-distance demands and large engines, where BEVs have their limitation. Sustainable hydrogen production options and well-to-wheel potentials of H2-FCEVs were presented, too.

The last Technical Session “Advanced Vehicle Concepts” (Chair: Bernhard Brandstätter) provided us insights in highly innovative concepts such as light weight components produced by wire based technology and temperature controlled city logistics for the transportation of temperature sensible goods such as food or pharmaceutics. We learned about the eHighway as a feasible solution to electrify heavy duty trucks and about Rosenbauer’s Concept Fire Truck which is going to be tested soon in model regions before serial production will start in 2022.

The conference was completed with a plenary discussion, moderated by Walter Böhme, with Jin-Woo Ahn, Stefan Deix, Andreas Dorda, Christof Schernus, Jürgen Rechberger and Michael Friedmann on the stage.

Key learnings:

  • Component development and integration is not sufficient; we need to look at the entire chain/situation from the cradle to the grave including recycling and second life!
  • There is a lack in the education of good skilled people regarding future challenges. Academic and industry has to focus on a more application oriented education regarding future trends, e.g. fuel cell stack development, battery production issues, etc.
  • For fast implementation of sustainable technologies, policy makers are addressed to act with funding support since these technologies are not (yet) competitive due to higher costs!


Schedule and Programme

Day 1 (14 Nov, Thursday)Day 2 (15 Nov, Friday)
from politics, industry
and R&D institutions
Session 3
Fuel Cell Vehicles and Hydrogen
Specialist Presentations
Session 1
Advanced Combustion Engine and Fuels
Specialist Presentations
Session 4
Advanced Vehicle Concepts
Specialist Presentations
Session 2
Battery Electric Vehicles
Specialist Presentations
Plenary discussion
Social Evening
Networking with participants, speakers, exhibitors

The Eco-Mobility 2019 also featured an exhibition of vehicles, components and posters, open on both days.


Gironcoli-Kristall, Donau-City-Straße 9, 1220 Vienna, Austria



General Chairs:DI Hanno Miorini, Dr. Michael Nöst
Programme Chair:DI Wolfgang Wimmer
Committee:   Dr. Christian Chimani, Dr. Andreas Dorda, DI Roland Hintringer, DI Wolfgang Kriegler,
DI Hanno Miorini, Dr. Michael Nöst, Dr. Reinhard Pfliegl, DI Thomas Uitz

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